Monday, May 30, 2011

My name is...

Hi, my name is Tonya and I'm thoroughly addicted to backpacking.

Unfortunately I don't have a trust fund and haven't won the lottery yet, so I can't go very often. I decided to start this blog as a way to make the journal I kept on my last trip public. I'm going to start posting it now, and the dates will be made to match when I wrote the entry back in 2009. It will be just as I wrote it, except I will correct for spelling and grammar and there are a few things I may redact because they're personal.

I will also use this blog as a way to plan where I might go next, hopefully next year. I'm thinking of starting in Nice. I need something to plan for, something to look forward to. I'm currently unemployed, and instead of waiting for me to find a job, I figure I'll start planning anyway. I like traveling on the cheap anyway.