We're on the train to Naples. I forgot to write last night I was so tired. I found V. with no problem. We crashed in the hostel after eating at McDonalds of all places. We were too tired to try to find anything else. Her tea tree face wash had spilled in her backpack during the flight so it was all over her towel and the whole room smelled of it. I slept hard. I woke up at a quarter to seven before my alarm even went off. I had toast with jam for breakfast, which was free, and paid €1.80 for a soda. The hostel was very nice and clean. At breakfast the lady at the hostel told us that the public transport people were striking. I thought we wouldn't be able to get to Naples tonight, but we had a reservation. It turned out it was just Rome and just less service, but it was a good thing because we met a teacher named Mark who had a rental car and was going to Ostia Antica. He teaches theater and we tagged along with him for about four or five hours. Regular service was supposed to resume at five pm for public transportation so we weren't rushed. When we were all exhausted, we left Ostia Antica and Mark dropped us off at the hostel.
We asked the lady at the hostel if there was somewhere nearby to eat that was cheap and it turned out there was a pizza place right around the corner. It cost €7.60 for a huge slice of pizza, enough for both of us and two bottled waters. We ate it on the patio of the hostel. It was great. We went for a short walk around Ostia to find an umbrella for V., and we walked down to a pier and looked at the Mediterranean.
I'm fairly exhausted now, navigating Termini Station was not fun and it wasn't clear what we were supposed to do with the tickets to validate them. Turns out there are little yellow machines, but many of the people working there didn't seem to speak much English, so they couldn't tell me. Finally a man figured it out and pointed to the machine.
We're almost to Naples, I'll write more later.
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