Today we started out by going down to the grocery store on the hostel's shuttle. I found some body wash for a €1 and decided that I'd pick it up on the way back. Little did I know that it was a bank holiday and that the grocery store would only be open in the morning.
We went first to the old town and walked around it for a couple of hours. We went to the flower market where they had fish, vegetables, candy and pastries too.
Then we took the tram back up the street to the train station and picked up our tickets for the train to Carcassonne and the train to Paris. Then we walked up hill to the Matisse museum, I bought Andy a postcard because I know he likes Matisse a lot. Then we went next door to the Archaeological museum. The entrance is through an old amphitheater/coliseum. I suppose it's a coliseum because it was completely circular.
Inside the museum they have a ton of artifacts. On the other side you can exit and look at the ruins of a Roman town. It's pretty cool. There are the remains of a bath, and I saw the little stone pillars under the floor like the ones at the Roman Baths in Bath, England.
Then we walked back down to the main street where the tram runs so that V. could look in a store called “Hm”. A little ways down from that I bought a brioche pastry topped with sugar and chocolate chips. It was delicious.
Oh, and I picked my laundry up this morning, before we left and it was finished. We went back to the room after breakfast so I could make sure it was all there and found I was missing a sock. I went back and they checked the driers for me but no luck. I decided to check back when we got back in the evening. They showed me to the baskets with lost-and-found laundry in them and I actually found it! I was very happy because those socks were about $6.00 a pair.
The tram here is very crowded in the evenings at about 5pm, it's like being on any public transport in a big city during rush hour.
There are mosquitos here, and no AC, so we have to leave the door open. That is the only problem with this hostel. Otherwise it's fantastic. The staff are great, it's clean. The dinners are very good, the soda and water are pretty cheat at only €1.
A mosquito bit me on my foot. That's going to be fun. Not. My feet are already really rashy from being in hiking boots all day every day.
V.'s finally out of the shower so I'm going to go take one now.
After my shower
The shower felt great. I must be allergic to something because I was sneezing like mad.
Speaking of V., she keeps wanting to eat fast food like McDonald's or Burger King. I was fine with that the first night because we were exhausted, but now?! It's like you're in France and Italy for godsake, you can eat McDonald's at home. So today for lunch she wanted McDonald's I got a hot dog from a pastry shop down the street. It wasn't like the hotdogs at home. This was inside a long piece of French bread with cheese melted on top. And boy was it good. We went to McDonald's and V. got something to eat and I ordered a soda and we ate upstairs. I was not going to eat American Fast food in France (if I could help it). Sheesh! The one cool thing about the McDonald's is that they have a key code for the bathroom on your receipt. It's cool because then the bathrooms are clean. So far we haven't had any missing toilet seats like in Italy. I still don't know what's up with that. And the quote for the day, there are actually two of them because one I forgot to write down the other day.
“Ciao! Ciao! I'll give you €20 to jump in the canal!” said by V.'s drunk friend in Venice on the way back to the hostel at 3am. The girl kept asking everyone on the street. She told one Venetian she was American, and he said “I guessed so.” I don't suppose that makes us look very good. Of course the Germans are just as bad.
Second quote for today. “You can be a whore, but don't be a dirty whore.” V. told this to a friend to exhort her to use a condom when having sex. Hysterical, V. can be a lot of fun to travel with. Bed time now.
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