Note to self: Do not attempt Pompei *and* Ercalano in the same day unless you have a death wish. So many miles of walking. And I out-walked V. this time! Ha! Still, I'm tired. Pompei was fantastic. So much to see though, it was huge. We spent about four hours there and only saw a fraction of it. Took lots of good pictures. Ercalano was much smaller but just as interesting. There were some very well preserved mosaics.
Did not get to see the skeletons that they found, I assume they're somewhere else.
Walked from Ercalano to Portici where we're staying at the Fabric Hostel. The sidewalks were very narrow and in places cars were parked completely on them. Signing was non-existent and people drive like maniacs here, making it dangerous to walk in the street at all. The motor bikes will take that as a challenge to run you over.
I've learned a few words in Italian, but not many. It's enough though, everyone is so nice. Yesterday on the train down here a very nice guy helped us find our seats and explained how to read the ticket. He even carried my heavy backpack and put it on the overhead rack for me. Everyone here so far has been very nice.
I really don't have much to say about Pompei and Ercalano, you'd have to see it to understand. That's why I took a ton of pictures today.
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