We took the Metro to Notre Dame. The sculptures on the outside were amazing. The inside was interesting too. There were scenes, very colorful and carved of the life of Jesus. What I thought was interesting was a depiction of Mary holding a cup. Silly grail quests.
Anyway, then we walked to the Louvre. It was early and we were hungry and everything was so expensive that we ate at McDonalds. At least the food here at McDonald's is decent and not crap like at home. It tastes good.
Then we bought, from the shops that run by the Louvre, some more souvenirs for people. We weren't going to go to the Louvre until about 3pm but we wound up there about 1pm. The lines weren't bad and we entered through the main entrance.
We decided the special exhibit about ancient Egypt looked cool, so we paid the extra to get into it. I saw the papyrus from "the Book of the Dead" depicting the weighting of the heart, along with a bunch of other stuff.
Then we went to the regular collection. I saw Da Vinci's "Virgin of the Rocks" and pushed part of the way through the throng to the "Mona Lisa" before giving up. You can't get anywhere near it anyway.
"Venus of Milo" was the same way. A hundred Japanese tourists attempting to get their picture made in front of it. I don't even know why. You can't enjoy anything properly with so many people around it.
I don't even remember all we saw. Too much really. It causes your brain to overload.
By the time we got out of the Louvre we were so tired. We ate again at the hostel. I had a burger, it was good, €10 with fries plus €2 for wine, because it was happy hour. The wine from "Pays d'Oc" is always good. Then we took a shower, and we're back to the packing. We had some Metro tickets left over from the carnet we bought and so we gave them to the Australian guy (Ben was his name) who is sharing our room. To England tomorrow.
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