Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Journal Entry: Shenanigans and Rude Americans

I was wide awake at midnight thinking it was close to morning. I need to try to go to bed slightly later than 7pm! I have muscles in my legs that I forgot were there. They are not happy with me! Aspirin is my friend.

Last night, I’m not sure what time, but the guy who was in the bunk above me came into the room. The look on his face was priceless. They had switched the bunk out at some point in the day, and put a completely different bunk in. I told him he should go to reception and get clean sheets as they had mixed up our bedding. I had gotten clean sheets earlier myself. I think he was German, or maybe Czech. I keep forgetting not everyone speaks English and I also forget to say “Buongiorno” when entering shops. My mother taught me no Italian manners! 

They switched out the bunk bed... why?

I will be checking out in about an hour. My train leaves for Napoli at 9:39a. I went ahead and bought my next ticket from Napoli to Florence and it was €72! It is the Eurostar train though. The regional trains were slightly cheaper but no promo “mini” fares, so not much cheaper and they take twice the time.  

I paid €8 for laundry yesterday. I had spilled gelato on my pants at the forum. I’m all clean now, so I shouldn’t have to do laundry for a little while. I’ve been washing my underwear and socks (they stink at the end of the day!) in the shower every evening. That is V.’s way of doing it and it is brilliant. It was also a brilliant idea to bring a couple of little vials of laundry detergent with me.  

Speaking of the Forum, when I was at the Coliseum, on the underground tour, there was an American couple that was bitching about how the tour was a waste of money as the guide did not know his history, because he’d said it was a myth that Christians were fed to lions regularly. He said Christians had been executed, but not in the arena. That it was a later legend. So they were bitchy Americans. 

And another bitchy American story. Yesterday when I was at the Vatican, Halley and I were just starting out, and there was a garden with a giant bronze pinecone in it and two sphinxes. I was overly excited and walked over to the sphinx. An American lady snapped, “Well thanks for walking in my way” in a very nasty tone. She had been trying to take a picture. I apologized because I’m nice, but really? How rude! It’s crowded and I didn’t even see her. No wonder Europeans think Americans are rude, what with people like her wandering around here.

It's a Statue, it will be there when I move out of your way

I am having egg withdrawal. At least I know there is an American breakfast place in Florence. I will definitely find it.

The Hostel's Dining Room: I hope to still go backpacking when I'm very old

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